The EUAPPTIVE project was presented on January 26 at the Equilibria High Technology Incubator (Gijón, Spain), with the participation of six international partners.
EUAPPTIVE aims to motivate European seniors to stay active through a gamified experience, a challenge in which they can compete with citizens from municipalities across Europe.
The project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by Sport Innovation Hub, a Gijón-based company that received the “Milla del Conocimiento Margarita Salas 2023 Company” award, brings together partners from five countries (Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands) to present the project to local authorities interested in participating in its activities.

The main outcome of EUAPPTIVE will be a free app that promotes and monitors the daily activity of older adults. In this way, in addition to reducing sedentary behaviour and improving the well-being and health of participants, the project will also contribute to the acquisition of digital skills and socialization. Participating municipalities will gather at a final event in Brussels, where the “most active” municipality will be awarded.
EUAPPTIVE was presented to the media and local authorities on January 26, at 11:00 a.m., at the Impulsa Building located at 166 Los Prados Street (Gijón, Asturias). The list of speakers is as follows:
- Dr. Marcos López-Flores | CEO at Sport Innovation Hub S.L. (ES)
- His Excellency Mr. João Henriques | Mayor of Vila Nova de Poiares (PT)
- Hugo Alonso | Secretary-General of ACES Europe (BE)
- Prof. Dr. Paolo Caserotti | Professor at Southern Denmark University (DK)
- Dr. Grzegorz Botwina | Vice President of EUNIK (NL)
- Norman Suárez González | CEO at CuiCui Studios (ES)